Many photos of the baby as a result of the surprising terkontaminasi Depleted uranium (DU) in Iraq with a disability is very severe body.
Babies affected by DU since the beginning of Gulf War, with more used DU in the last invasion (Gulf War II). And, there is no doubt that will happen more birth defects and cancer diseases. This is the price to "liberate" Iraq by the United States and Britain. I have repeatedly ask for support for a formal demand on the crimes against humanity, whether committed by Bush and Blair have been using the weapons that this egregious, said Ken 'O Keefe.
In the Gulf War I the U.S. marine forces not notified about the dangers of Depleted uranium and the need to avoid a vehicle that is exposed to these weapons. Best science says that many of our soldiers have been exposed to Depleted uranium and attacked the disease will die of cancer as a result of the filth on the radio into the lungs. As a reward to be "American Heroes - American Hero"
According to the definition of Black's Law Dictionary - Seventh Edition, International Law. - "Crimes against humanity" is a brutal crime that eventless diisolasi but does not involve a large and systematic actions that are often asked to authorities through the official shake the human conscience. Among the specific crimes that are in this category are mass murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and oppress the people, both in wartime and peace.
The following is taken from Ross B. Mirkarimi, reports the The Arms Control Research Center, titled 'The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special Reference to Iraq. " May 1992:
I recently received a lot of photos with a birth deformity that scandalize are currently going on in Iraq. Honest I say that I never see pictures like that before. I urge you to copy the pictures and distributed widely.
In an action severity, the United States absolutely dominates. Sanctions Committee refused to allow Iraq to import equipment that is need in the effort to clean up contamination from Depleted uranium weapons which have been used by the United States that currently contaminate the country. Approximately 315 tons of DU dust contaminate Iraq as a result of the use of this weapon. The Sanctions Committee also refuses to import the bulk of equipment to handle the disease of cancer, including tools to measure the amount of radio-isotope found in the field '... the form of nuclear materials .. '
Most of the images below are provided by someone who until now do not want the identity. I did not succeed to find out whether the images are from the original negative film, or printed from negative film. I accept it in the form of images on paper size A4. I scan all the images using Photoshop software and try to clean up and mempertajamnya semampu me. In processing the pictures do not do digital alterasi, solely and only clean mempertajamnya only.
The images are received without the documentation text, so I explained and as accurately as semampunya. According to what I understand, the photos are taken from 1998 onwards. I will be grateful to anyone who can provide further information about the type of deformity in the birth of this medical term and the other.
Additional images taken by Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther, President of the International Yellow Cross. Tertutama included in a book in 1996 entitled "uranium PROJECTILES - SEVERELY MAIMED Soldiers, Deformed Babies, Dying CHILDREN" (Published by AHRIMAN - Verlag, ISBN: 3-89484-805-7). The book is a documentary about the influence of the note the use of depleted uranium weapons are taken between the years 1993 - 1995.
Dr. Gunther also mememberikan to my collection of photos that are not published, some of which feature the birth deformity experienced by children of Gulf War veterans. I have requested permission to Dr. Gunther pictures that are treated as' Public Domain 'and copyright free. He approves it and you should be able to reproduce the pictures as you want.
Both the Pentagon and British Ministry of Defense officially deny that there is a significant danger as a result of Exposure - Exposure - DU weapons equipment. Possible and that the United States that led the attack against Iraqi nuclear power station can be a supporting factor, and most of the DU peniliti appointed as the main source of a birth deformity and cancer.
Increasing the number of cases in Iraq is staggering, particularly in the South where the largest concentration of DU ditembakkan. Doctors in Iraq did not find a case like that before, and exactly the reason that makes sense, it is of course also been experienced in Japan after the attack of the two atomic bombs. Disease cancer increased 7 -10 times and deformity birth increased between 4-6 fold.
However, the United States long before Gulf war began to realize that there are potential effects on civilians and military personnel such as toxic chemicals and chemical nature of radiation from DU weapons equipment, as stated in the document quoted the United States Armed Forces who categorize as follows:
"Aerosol exposure DU (Depleted uranium) to the soldiers in the battlefield could be significant with potential radiation effects and toxicology. In combat, soldiers are most often targeted is the land forces to enter the battle field after the shooting occurred. We are to highlight the potential level of Exposure DU to military personnel during combat that would not be acceptable during peacetime tasks. emiter DU is a low level of alpha radiation-related cancer when pajanannya into the human body, [and] poisoned chemical that causes kidney damage.
Short-term effects of high doses can cause death, while long-term effect [of] low-dose linked to cancer. Our conclusions about health and the environment that can be received with the entry of DU mengasumsikan two things, namely to control and use of a health practice that has been good. Battle field conditions will not lead to the use of DU terkontrolnya. Battle field conditions and long-term health risk to local residents and veterans of war can be the issue of acceptance of discontinuance kinetik penetrator of DU for military applications. "
Excerpt from July 1990 and Science Applications International Corporation report: 'Kinetic Energy Penetrator Environment and Health considerations', as covered in Appendix D - weapons the United States Armed Forces, War Komando Equipment and Chemical reported:' Studies Strategy dynamics Penetrator Long Term, July 1990 '
United States also correct long-term danger when terkontaminasi by Depleted uranium, so minimize it, as memos and documents describe the following:
"There there is ongoing concern about the impact of DU on the environment. Therefore, if no one makes a case on the effectiveness of DU on the battlefield, DU weapons may be politically unacceptable and so removed from the magazine. I believe we must maintain this sensitive issue in mind when creating the report. " - Lt. Col. M.V. Ziehmn, Los Alamos National Laboratory memorandum, March 1st 1991
"The soldiers may fall to dust and smoke in battlefield DU. The Army surgeon General has stressed that the soldiers would not be receiving Exposure significant internal DU. Follow-up medical does not guarantee the soldiers who have light Exposure to dust or smoke is . Since DU weapons are available in the world weapons market, then DU weapons will be used in the conflict in the future. The number of patients in the DU dust in the future may be significantly increased because many more countries will use the DU weapons system as well.
DU is low-level radioactive waste and therefore must be discarded in a place where security is guaranteed. There is no international law, treaty, regulation or practice to ask the United Nations to set the stage again the Persian Gulf war. "- Reports from the U.S. Army Environmental Policy Institute: 'Health and result-a result of use of Weapons Depleted uranium by the United States Armed Forces, June 1995 as follows:
DU weapons equipment currently owned by more than 12 countries, and has been used during the bombardment of Yugoslavia, led by NATO. Personal troops occupied the West in the region recently advised not to drink local water or eating food that diproduksidi in that place. However, the UK Ministry of Defense continue to deny that there is no potential danger of any kind, with states: "We do not see any research on the epidemic of data that makes sense to support this claim [that DU is dangerous. There are no plans to remove the equipment-based weapons DU from the military. " (Source: Two letters to me from Simon Wren, Overseas Secretariat, Ministry of Defense, Whitehall, London - 20th May 1999, and 22nd March 2000)
In a more personal level, I hear stories from people who have visited Iraq to speak directly with the midwives there. The midwife was admitted with said that they expect no more babies will be born like that ... "What we did not know the way out."
Tagged @ Emang Jahil
1 comments - Skip ke Kotak Komentar
Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: sedih melihat fotonya saja :( semoga banyak hikmah dibalik cobaan ini
sad to see the picture only: (hopefully a lot of wisdom behind this ordeal
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